In September 2009, Emma Neiderbrock and two of her friends, Melanie Wells and Richard "Sam" McCroskey, left Emma's home in Farmville, Virginia and travelled to Southgate, Michigan to attend the Strictly For the Wicked horrorcore music festival. When Melanie didn't return home a few days later, her mother would make phone calls to police for a welfare check. It would be a few days later when police would finally find the bodies of Emma Neiderbrock, Melanie Wells, Dr. Debra Kelley, and Reverend Mark Neiderbrock in the home. They would finally track down their suspect and apprehend him at the airport while he was waiting for his flight to be called.
Sources for this episode:
Wikipedia - Horrorcore
Wikipedia - Farmville, Virginia
Murderpedia - Richard McCroskey
Medium - The Aspiring Death Metal Rapper Who Couldn't Lose His "Girlfriend"
Discover Walks - 10 Facts About Brutal The Farmville Murders
NBC 12 - McCroskey pleads guilty to Farmville murders, gets life in prison