Mid-July of 2018 saw 8 month old Raija Straight spending the day with her 17 year old dad, Jayden Straight, in Des Moines, Iowa. It would be the afternoon of July 13 when he would have his mom drive the three of them to the hospital because Raija was unresponsive. Sadly, Raija would pass away just over 24 hours later. Listen in this week as we discuss the events leading up to the injuries she suffered that caused her death along with who eventually would plead guilty to causing those injuries.
Sources for this episode:
Des Moines Register - Father charged with 8-month-old's traumatic, fatal injuries sentenced to 100 years in prison
People - 8-Month-Old Iowa Girl Beaten to Death - and Her 17-Year-Old Father is Charged
WHO 13 - Family of Teen dad Accused of Murdering Daughter Speaks Out
KCCI - Remembering Raija: Vigil held for 8-month-old who died of traumatic injuries
Find A Grave - Raija Armoni Lynn Straight
YouTube - EWU Crime Storytime